Office Policies

Environmental Policy


The Company strives to conduct all of its operations in a manner which:

  • respects the environment
  • reduces waste
  • conserves non-renewable resources.

This is applied to the work methods used in their own offices, and to the influence exerted on others through the design of projects, the writing of specifications, and the control of works on site.


Health and Safety Policy


The purpose of our Health and Safety policy is to:

  • advise employees of the hazards likely to be encountered at work
  • identify the precautions to be taken to avoid the hazards
  • strive to eliminate being affected by the hazards
  • identify who in the company is responsible for preparing, administering and updating the policy.



The Company will seek to protect its employees and visitors to the company’s premises from hazards to life and limb. The Employee will conduct his/her self and any visitor they invite into the employer’s premises in a safe and responsible manner at all times.

Equal Opportunities Policy


  • The Company employs staff on the basis of merit, irrespective of race, creed, gender or colour
  • This policy is borne out by its employment record ever since its inception
  • When employing staff, the Company seeks to encourage a racial mix
  • The Company does not tolerate racial discrimination amongst its staff, and would take immediate disciplinary action should this problem ever arise
  • The Company seeks to train, support, and encourage its staff to progress in the profession of Architecture.